Furniture in a post pandemic world

As the world starts to find its way out of the COVID-19 pandemic and we begin to live in our new “normal”, what comes next for the future of the furniture/woodworking industry?

Supply Chain

The latest buzz word to come from this pandemic is referring to the way we purchase, ship, and store our goods. Every industry has been affected, some for the better and many for the worst. If you tried to purchase furniture in the past 24 months you know how long lead times and no inventory have created nightmares for buyers and sellers.

We solved many issues by keeping our supply chain local, and hand delivering our finished products.

Digital is the future

If you didn’t shop for furniture online before, you do now. Most people love to see the products they buy in person before making a purchase. Shutdowns and restrictions forced us  to research and find products online, and gave us the freedom to purchase from the comfort of our home. A stellar website is key to reaching new clients, and showcasing your work.

Our website ( is filled with photos of past projects, and testimonials from our clients.

Local love

As the global supply of products has diminished, and people start to think about their impact, many have started to turn to local companies to find solutions to their problems.  A small custom wood shop could never keep up with factory made furniture made overseas. Even domestic companies with their volume and purchasing power made it difficult for small shops to compete. Now, with everyone struggling to keep up with demand, and raw materials in short supply, the gap has begun to shrink, and local shops are a viable option for many who many have never considered “custom made”.

Find out how our small shop can be the solution for your home, office, or business.

Armando Reyes